What is the Wessex Asthma Network?
The Wessex Asthma Network is a collaboration between the severe asthma teams at University Hospitals Southampton and Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
The aim of the Wessex Asthma Network is to improve care for patients with severe asthmaThe aim of the Wessex Asthma Network is to improve care for patients with severe asthma in Wessex including Southampton, Hampshire, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. By forming the Wessex Asthma Network, expertise can be shared more easily and the teams can work together on news projects and research in asthma.

What does it mean for patients?
By working together the teams form the hospitals can share expertise and experience to improve patient care and experience. Together the teams have written new guidelines for the treatment of asthma so all patients have the same quality of treatment, wherever they live.
The Wessex Asthma Network can use their experiences to set up new treatments such as a treatment called bronchial thermoplasty. This is now available at both Portsmouth and Southampton hospital; previously patients from Portsmouth would have to travel to London for this.
As a network opportunities for research are much greater. The network has already worked together on the Wessex Severe Asthma Cohort – an observational study of patients with severe asthma which ahs helped us understand more about severe asthma. There are also more opportunities for patients to get involved in research and gain access to new treatments that are not currently available on the NHS. See our research page for more information.
Information for health care professions.
The strength of the Wessex Asthma Network is the sharing of expertise and multi disciplinary working. The network has already worked together to write guidelines on the treatment of severe asthma.
The Network’s strength also lies in its research activity. Asthma research at Southampton and Portsmouth is growing rapidly and includes research from a biochemical level through to novel treatments and commercial trials. See our research page for more information.
To refer a patient with suspected severe asthma please refer to your local hospital in the normal way.
If you would like to contact the team directly please follow this link: ………………………………….
If you have patient who is interested in participating in research please ask them to contact the research teams on:
UHS 02380
Portsmouth Hospitals Trust 02392 682000 ext 4108

The Wessex Asthma Network in a collaboration between the severe asthma teams at University Hospitals Southampton and Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
Improve care for patients
The aim of the Wessex Asthma Network is to improve care for patients with severe asthma in Southampton, Hampshire, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
Asthma research
Asthma research at Southampton and Portsmouth is growing rapidly and includes research from a biochemical level through to novel treatments and commercial trials.
Sharing of expertise
The strength of the WAN is the sharing of expertise and multi disciplinary working. The network has already worked together to review guidelines on the treatment of severe asthma.
Education is key to improving patient care – education for health care professional and patients. The network aims to provide education for both patients and health care professionals.
The Wessex Asthma Network will raise awareness of asthma and asthma treatment for both patients and healthcare professionals.
Asthma awareness for Patients & Professionals
For Patients
The Wessex Asthma Network is a collaboration between the asthma teams at Southampton and Portsmouth Hospitals. By working together we can share knowledge and improve care for patients throughout the region. As time goes on we hope the network will expand to include other hospitals in the area. To find out more information you can meet the team, find out about research and look at our patient information page. To keep up to date you can follow us on Facebook , Twitter or join or email list.
For Professionals
The Network aims to improve care, share knowledge, promote research and raise awareness of asthma. To contact us and meet the team visit the who we are section and for resources and useful links look at our page for health professionals – more will be added to this so join our email list for updates or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.